Friday, September 21, 2007

Holes In The Wall

Wouldn't mind getting back on the subject of "Interviews" simply because they become almost effortlessly comic, fun, entertaining and convivial. Blogs (in practice does 'blog' mean exactly the same as 'journal' or is there a semi-secret difference?) I've noticed, are relatively unmolested by excessive advertising, which is a huge plus. On AOL's most visited message board, DO YOU BELIEVE? Ford Mercury advertising is so outrageously greedy you'd wait many minutes to be able to move on; I've settled that by not going back there anymore (?)after leaving a complaint.  "Belief" is a wonderful subject to write about, think about, and experience, but it sure does quickly lead to arguments and ill-will. Ha! Snippets of Scripture get flung at each other.  Does no good of course, just leads to ever more acrimony.  I'd like to talk solely about 'Belief' without any compulsion to 'sell' that belief, just give an accurate report of subjective experience. For reasons not very clear to me, that is not going to happen. Ha ha!

Today, as on some other days, I must admit I have no subject. Well, there's no rule you HAVE to leave sage words here is there?

Maybe I'll scribble some notes before coming back so I'll have a rough outline of what I want to say.

More and more I've noticed how much I enjoy taking a very small digital (well the cheap ones are ALL small) camera everywhere with me. I use just the still picture part. Composing ordinary scenes so that a design pops out being the goal. Not easy. One of my favs is a late night shot with my vehicle in the foreground, with the front of my Bank in the middle distance showing the four 'Holes in the wall' where you take out money; I invented the name to amuse my children. At another branch of the same bank the 'Hole-in theWall' is in a separate, protected large room you can enter only with your bank card. Gives me the creeps. There are at least twelve 'Holes in the wall' in that room. It too is open 24 hours. A digital camera, even a cheap one, can handle the exposure demands of the outdoor shot at night with zero trouble: amazing!  The vehicle, close to the camera is exposed by weak flash, and the outdoor holes in the wall lit by the good bank. With film and the very best camera it'dtake hours to get that shot exposed correctly.

The visual arts, for me, lead to tranquility more often than do music and writing. Not that I compose music, no no no, can't even identify one single note, boo hoo. Wouldn't it be great to know how Beethoven put all that noise down on paper?! I think about it all the time. Do you know anyone who composes classical music? (At the movies pop music is composed by one guy at the piano, with another guy standing at his elbow saying, "That's it, that's it!" and B'way history is made.  Ha ha ha ha....!)

Luv ya.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are inspiring me to purchase a digital camera. I think that this entry says a lot. By the way, Ialso wonder if there is any difference between a journal and a blog. I don't think that there is but others may disagree. Enjoyed reading your musings.--Sheria