Saturday, September 1, 2007

Dunno yet.

I've got everything crossed hoping that clicking on Permalink before starting to type will narrow my journal format when I click on 'Save'.

Well, I'm in a bit of an uproar this morning. Well, for one thing this is the second day after surgery and I hurt a mite. It'll heal.

The truth is I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. After a life time, almost, and anyway beginning when I was 14, and my mother died - yes this is a sob story, so perhaps have a hanky handy, heh - someone I've known Online for maybe ten years mercilessly attacked me on a message board after she'd seen my AOL Journal photos - I've struggled to find family again. All attempts failed until 1992 when I met my wife. So, we've been married 15 years, four children, and we're all as happy as bugs in a rug.  Take a gander at the following directed at me, and not just some third world despot:

One glimpse of the family photo told me all I ever need or want to know about his vacuous, narrow-minded arrogance and his sad-looking wife and children -- who should now definitely be off limits. That photo tipped everything he's said over the last few years into a scary, fun house perspective. It's just wrong. Not funny, not kooky, and not interesting for any longer than it takes to hose maggots out of a garbage can after the first shock of discovery and the brief fascination at the teeming number of them.

From: Daedalass

At first, years ago, I surmised that this Member was a woman college professor. She was measured, semi-literary, undeclarative, distant. Because of the ending of the screen name I assumed it was a woman being humorous. But suddenly Daedalus has flown too close to the sun, again, and her wings have melted.  But that's idle conjecture; truth is I'm stunned at the out-of-control vituperous onslaught against me, my children and my wife. There was a time when one would be benched for such a personal, take-no-prisoners wipeout.

She mentioned she had a Jade tree. Later I said "You have a Jade tree," and she replied, "No, I have two."

"Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?" asks the nursery rhyme. I'm surprised her jade trees don't wither up and die. Perhaps she's getting old, has no children and nurses bitter regrets?

Thisnot to air private grievances.  No, no, her broadside was posted on a message board. We've never met, never had any intercourse other than on an AOL message board.


I might try to write here about the thumbs down I got via several communications that my crash photos were not well-received. Gee, I just carry a tiny digital camera in my pants pocket and shoot whatever grabs me.  Today I might try to get a shot of the enormous white clouds that rise majestically over the San Gabriel mountains, clouds formed when cold air from the Pacific meets hot air rising from the desert.

Have a GREAT holiday weekend. (Support your labor Union; I do! This is Labor Day weekend, correct? :-/




Anonymous said...

Two things,
1, I hope you are ok after your hernia op. I know how you feel and have to say, the anasthetic (sp?) will make you feel the way you do, both low and vulnrable.
2, Don't worry about that meely mouth old bitch. You were spot on with your obsrevations about her. Let's hope not only her jade trees wither up and die, but her tits do the same thing and drop off too ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your journal is wide because the crash photos are wide.  It will stay wide until the photos roll off the bottom of the screen.

You can fix it by  inserting a blank line, or some text, between each of the three photos, so that they are displayed one below another, instead of across the page.

As to the strange woman, you really know nothing about her and she knows nothing of you, and speculation and hurt feelings are not productive.  A fairly high proportion of people who populate chat rooms and forums have mental or emotional problems.  Otherwise, they'd be off living real lives.  So, shrug it off.  She has no real influence on you, other than the power you freely give her.


Anonymous said...

And, third topic, deserving of its own entry -
          GET WELL SOON!

Take it easy.  No Iron Man competitions for a few days, eh?


Anonymous said...

Dear Barry, I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery and I hope that the pain passes soon. As for the ill-spirited woman and her snide comments, I think Gaz said it quite well. In our many excahnges, I've never found you to be narrow-minded, vacuous, or arrogant. On the contrary, I've appreciated your ability to hear another point of view and engage in intelligent debate. All the family photos reveal lovely children and a lovely wife who doesn't look as if she is at all unhappy. This bitter woman clearly has something lacking in her own life that makes her strike with such much hostility against you. Rest and be well.--Sheria
PS I didn't think the accident photos were offensive. The photos were actually clear, and detailed, good photography. Accidents are interesting, if for no other reason that they make us breathe a sigh of relief that we weren't involved!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im just catching up with you hun and trying to find out what surgery you had??? Im lost as per the norm,as for the message board troll you have,name and shame is the only way forward and im glad you endorse that,hugs to you and your lovely family,sod the world hun,youve got love xxxxxx,by the way read my comment on 'adjusting the width of your blog',it might help if it annoys you,xxxx zoe