Friday, May 27, 2005

Magic Smoke

Magic Smoke;

Please turn back on my counter. You have nullified 3,512 plus visits. Also, why does it take 59, FIFTY NINE characters in a link to get a message to you?  You're like a landlord one can never find, and when you do find him it costs money.

FIFTY NINE CHARACTERS. Apparently my computer can't handle 59 characters all in an unbroken line. I strongly suspect fifty nine characters is an affectation. Gimme, please, the short name, or your telephone number.


Please turn my counter back on. Thanks again.

Barry R Bartle

God God, even mine has 42 characters or so. Ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barry dear?'s me kristlebleu..again. LOL....Here is something that works for me with that dissapearing counter problem. Cut and paste it..into one of your entries. Seems to keep on working that way...then you are right...write them a letter..."Dear AOHELL"...gotcha'!..        love ya Barry..kristlebleu & angels