Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Newspaper Chat

Los Angeles, CA has a fine newspaper to which I subscribe: The Times. Today's issue is stunningly full of news about RACE, as in racial equality, race diversity and history of race mixing. 

1. Page One headline: 60 MILLION CALIFORNIANS BY MIDCENTURY.  "Latinos will become the dominant group."

2. Editorial Page, OPINION section, Essay by Heather Williams, "...a Cherokee citizen, and an Indian freedmen descendant."  "The tribe's requirement that members must prove a blood connection isn't racist."           (Atavistic, that)

3. Front page, large photo showing LA's Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa surrounded by 16 news people and their four large, tripod mounted cameras.  'What news!?' you ask: okay, I'll tell you. The good Mayor has been found to have a young, gorgeous,  female, hispanic news reporter as a mistress. The mayor is married: even his surname is a coupling. "Villa" his birth surname, and "Raigosa" his present wife's last, Maiden name. They united their names from love passion.  Apparently the populace is angrily astir with indignation that their mayor would disgrace them in such a plebeian fashion. (How come they don't know that in Hispanic culture the male can do whatever he wants and desires?)  Background: Yesterday's front page news was that Mexican drug gangs can now outgun Mexico's city forces. Now it would be very unwise to retire to Mexico as I did in 1997. USA retirees are routinely murdered, for as little as a beat up old car.

Well, you get the drift. 

I must attend to my chores. Immediately, wash the baby's clothes. Oh boy, you should see Mark Andrew. He put his toe in his mouth this morning said my son Vincent, age 12. What might that foretell?












Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shame on the mayor!

Awwww, Mark Andrew is already growing and making daddy proud. :0)


Anonymous said...

Awww can we see some pics of the little angel soon? Thanx for popping over to me the other day,cant  wait to catch up with you love zoe xxx