Thursday, July 26, 2007

Journal Content

Thank you Ally for your Comment.

I hesitated posting yet another baby

pix given our nutty world in which

children are so often victims. Horrid

to have to make that admission. In

a 'normal' world I'd post a slew of family

pix but even my family cautions me to not

do that.


Instead, I think I'll post a photo I took yesterday

of what used to be called a VW mini bus

festooned with nutty decorations by the harmless,

homeless owner who apparently lives in the vehicle.

I've photographed the van at least five

separate times and never done it justice.

I thought I might use the graphic to illustrate

the theme of 'Individuality.'  It is grotesque

and totally irrational, yet I'm very glad the

owner is permitted to drive our streets, and park

where parking is allowed. He moves from spot to spot,

never staying for long in any one place, and never

parked illegally.


Thanks Ally for your cheery Comment.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad Barry that we worry about posting pictures of our Children ~ Sad to say I think you are wise not to ~ would be interested to see that VW ~ Ally