Botanists, so says the recent LA Times,
have proved that human domestication
of plants in the Americas, is at least as old as 10,000
years. I'm not clever enough to cite
the evidence, besides, I flunked Botany not
once but twice in college!! I had to read the
evidence on my report card: Medicine was not
for me as a career.
Crying over the fate of North American tribes
who it is claimed owned the land is plain and
simply irrational: it was up for grabs, as untended,
and undeveloped. Those same North American tribes took
the land from previous peoples. To 'own' the land
a civilization able to defend itself must be established.
It took immigrants from Europe for that to happen.
Now the Arabs want it; what are their chances? Nil
to zero most likely. To continue owning America the
present occupants might have to destroy the Arabs
in their desert bunkers. History, human history, is an account
of perpetual warfare. How come Native American can't
get a handle on that? Native Americans contributed to
Americas WW2 defeat of Japan. America is grateful.
Sorry, Barry, but this is poppycock. Where did you come up with the requirement that ownership of land is demonstrated by a civilization's ability to defend itself? I really don't have time to review the history lesson that Bea very accurately suggests that you need. I'm not as polite as Bea. This point of view is the typical Eurocentric nonsense that has been perpetrated since the first European landed on these shores. US court cases from the 19th century rely on the same argument in justifying why they find on behalf defendant settlers being sued by indigenious peoples to reclaim ancestral land. The courts generally defined ownership in terms of cultivatiion and use and asserted that the native populations merely occuped but did not own the land. According to this theory, if I'm tough enough to kick you out of your home, I should then own it. You aren't entitled to what you can't defend.--Sheria
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