Wednesday, August 29, 2007

LIFE, and death..............

Aiming for a parking space beginning near approaching end of the red painted gutter I came across a horrendous accident. All morning afterwards I was shaking from sadness and apprehnsion. I was en route to the doctor's office (the surgery is tomorrow morning) and running slightly late but i HAD to whip out my cheapo Polaroid digital camera and take some snaps. The accident happened on Burton Way in Beverly Hills near Cedars Sinia Hospital, mthe office buildings of whioch I was about to walk to, one block.

First pix almost standing up; Vincent positioned his brother Mark, and is standing just out of frame, in case!

Mother and child. Leonardo I ain't, but my love the same.

This is one of two fire engines that came to our building the night of the fire. To get there cooperation I asked politely and added that BACKDRAFT the movie wass the children's fav., which is true next to CRASH. (To my critics on the subject of what children should watch, I say, 'You bring up your children and I'll bring up mine.')  The tallest of the enormous firefighters confided that BACKDRAFT was his favorite movie too!  Ha ha.

Bought at Goodwill for a song. Unsigned, but my wild hunch is that the original hangs in the National Gallery in London, and was painted in the late 1800 about the time of the introduction of electricity. The style might be French imprsssionism taken indoors at night, a la Van Gogh - who wasn't an Impressionist, ha! Ol' Vincent was a law unto himself.

I tripped the self-timer, then couldn't see if it was running and it was too bright to see the image on the back of the camera, and there was too much light to see the self-timer light, or to hear it. The baby was accidentally cut out!?  Groan. But, I thought it does show the locale, Venice Beach walkway a visit to which is worth a whole college credit in Soc. Rel (Social Relations).

-----------------   Barry


Anonymous said...

Dear Barry, as always, lovely photos of the family. Mark is growing by leaps and bounds! Like the painting that you found at Goodwill; I am very fond of Impressionism. Our state art museum hosted a Monet exhibit this winter that was delightful. I wish you the best with your surgery tommorow. I have no doubts that it will go well. Your doctors would not dare put forth any efforts except their very best.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

Apart from the crash, those photo's are adorable! I would have loved to have had kids.

Anonymous said...

Barry if you just click on Permalink right at the bottom of page it puts everything right ~ and you can read and see the pictures OK ~ and I loved the pictures ~ well except for the accident ones ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...
