Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'll find out, maybe, as I type.

In America, UK friends, pro football - you know, the version of football in which you can actually throw the ball forward, ahead of you!  Madness, right? Well, it's wanting one's cake and eating it too, veddy Americaine.  (In Australia I played Rugby Union at boarding school. I was lousy, but I did tackle well, so well that against St Josephs I was allowed to play on the A-Team, once.  I tackled freight trains! Nuts, ya know, but otherwise I stank.

An American famous for being able the throw the ball forward, in his position as quarterback, Vick is about to be jailed, let go from his lucrative football contract, and otherwise despised, for fostering dog fights for money, then killing the losing dogs.

Now, I'm a bit upset about that on two grounds: I still own a pitbull, the noble dog 'Tyson', who I love but have given to the care of my friend Arturo in Mexico. (Tyson was named after boxer Tyson the bighter. He bit opponent's ears.) In addition, dogfighting has a long history in England, and my prejudice is that if it was done in Britain, it simply must be A-Okay. My dog comes from breeding Bull Dogs, with Terriers. Something like that, resulting in Bull Terriers. Or, whatever, hence Pit Bulls.

The other objection I have is that football in America has sunk so low players actually try to injure each other on the field.  'Piling on' - diving on the just-grounded player, can earn a penalty, light, but usually goes ignored, unpunished, and applauded. Dog fighting doesn't seem quite as serious to me as deliberately injuring another player.  I guess there's a limit to my love of dogs. 

I'm dreadfully afraid that there's a racist element to this persecution of Mr. Vick the promoter of dog fights. This Vick, Englishmen and women, is drop dead handsome, strong, tall and skilled. His walk sends shivers of envy through opposing white football players, hence the fury with which he is piled upon when tackled.  A White Baseball bigwig years ago was fired for blurting out to the press that Black athletes got that way, Big-strong-handsome-virile and highly talented, because slavery bred them that way. Gulp.  But, if that was true where is the shame in speaking the truth? Hybrid Vigor! The offspring of disparate parents tend to be superior in brains and brawn.  Which of course is one of oodles of reasons why I thrilled at having interracial children.  (Have you ever seen lots and lots of photos of Peruvian women? I did last night on TV, a documentary. Spanish and Indian mixing in Peru seemed to have produced beauty beyond description due perhaps to the addition of South Sea island genes, and Oriental genes. The enormous Olmec head outside in copy at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, is clearly Asian. I'm not saying Olmecs were in Peru. I don't know where they were/are. Peruvian women came from God. I'll leave it at that!

Have you stolen a peek at Iranian women in newsreels? I have a flash for Muslim violent men: if they really truly believe they can keep those women all for yourselves, they oughtta think again: it ain't gonna hoppen ploppers, not in the modern age, it ain't, no matter how brutally they insist women cover up head-to-toe tip, and bow to stern (Ooooooo that 'Stern') because the cameras will do them in. Truth will out. Ha ha ha a ha ha........................Remember the ghasly hideous scenes secretly photographed at a football stadium in Afghanistan showing women being shot in the head from behind for showing some ankle in the marketplace? Those women will be avenged. History will do the job. And biology, and hybrid vigor, and God's love for all his children.













Anonymous said...

My dear Barry, trust you to find a perspective that I hadn't thought of about this Michael Vick scandal. I think that the problem that folks had with the baseball bigwig's comments was that it could be interpreted as suggesting that black Americans should be grateful for the 300 years in bondage because of the resulting hybrid vigor. At least, that was my problem with it, nonetheless, I didn't think that the bigwig should have been fired. As for your assertions about women of color, I agree that there are many lovely women from diverse culture and I love that you have such an obvious appreciation for that diversity. As always, I enjoy reading your thoughts.--Sheria

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am glad to say, dog fighting in the UK, has been banned for a very long time.
Not this thing with certain black atheletes though, that they should 'keep it real' and hang with their 'brothas' instead of using their new found wealth and fame to show others that  blacks from any society with sheer hard work and determination can make it along with anyone else.