Friday, June 22, 2007

My Message Board Post

[ Oops! Dan Brown, not Tom Clancy wrote The Da Vinci Code; oh well, peas in a pod.]

Gee, the SN was so long I tried cut and paste and look what happened, ha ha ha.  I'd never heard of Tom Clancy before his 'Let's spoof religion' book which sold 48,000,000 copies. Boggles my breakfast.           

The movie of that tome damaged the careers of Hanks and his director IMO. Their press talk at Cannes resulted in the director, Ron Howard, intoning, "If you don't like the movie don't see it!"  Ha ha ha ha ha.  I saw clips, that was enough for me. I tried reading the book but the introduction scenes were so poorly written I gave up. That happened to clash with similar geographic description as the beginning of The Sun Also Rises which I was re-reading at the time. I don't think Tom Clancy has read enough better novels.           

The Catholic Church published a humorous, good natured            demurral about Clancy's attempt at assassination of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. It's in a tiny little booklet; it'd fit in your breast pocket for easy transport on one of your flights.  Not so kind on the subjecthas been Protestant attacks on the character of Tom Clancy from the CRI in North Carolina. (That's the Christian Research Institute.) 

Nearly always novel reading for me is never about the plot, but very much about the writing of the plot. If there's no 'music' I find myself falling asleep.           




Anonymous said...

Barry, I'm a practicing Catholic and I think that all the animosity toward The Da Vinci Code was much ado about nothing. It is a work of fiction and never pretended to be otherwise. Would you support censorship of an artist's creative impulse? I suspect that most of the people complaining the loudest have never read the entire book. I found it to be an intriguing mystery story and enjoyed it a great deal. It wasn't a spoof of religion, it was a theological thriller. It certainly didn't assassinate Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. It didn't even present a new idea.  There has been much speculation throughout the centuries that Jesus may have married and produced offspring. Actually, it is more surprising that a Jewish man of his time would have reached the ripe old age of 30 (the start of his recorded ministry)  and not have married. I also enjoyed the movie and I don't see any evidence that the careers of Hanks or Howard have suffered as a result of the film. Do you know something that I don't?--Sheria

Anonymous said...

"Barry, I'm a practicing Catholic and I think that all the
animosity toward The Da Vinci Code was much ado
about nothing."

You're right! The small, pocket-sized booklet
debunking ALL the lying claims by Dan Brown
(sssssssssssssss, shoo snakesssss) published by
the Catholic Church is humorous and indulgent.
Yo can get it for free at yor parish. It's FUNNY!


Anonymous said...
