Saturday, June 23, 2007

Journal Enties

Some journal entries by the gifted receive 39 Comments. It's a big day in my life when I get three Comments. [Gee, this font is no good; it's too small. We'll try another:  How's Comic Sans MS?. It's bigger, even though the setting is still #12.

To be candid I don't blog for Comments,even though I appreciate them. I blog to find out what I really think and feel. Sometimes I admit I make an entry to annoy someone specific. Wicked. Getting a rise out of someone. Fun, sometimes.

My hat is off, look it is doffed, to all those who can amass 39 Comments on only one Entry. I mean on one level or another, everyone should want to be in step with the rest of humanity, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or religion. You know that thrill one gets when someone of an entirely different religion or race, or both different, is actually in step, not fundamentally different at all!??






Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever amassed 39 comments either. Well, I was going to say not even when I was guest editor, back in August of 2006, but when I checked it out just now, I had 41 comments. Well, that is the record for me, I'm sure.

Like you, I don't write for the comments... but I do enjoy reading what others say in response. I realize I don't say things to shock people, nor do I put forth controversial statements (unless speaking of my faith could fall into that category), nor write about political issues. Actually, if you were to have a conversation with me, you'd find me quite boring. I listen alot. I'm a listener. I have opinions, but often don't feel it's appropriate to reveal them (depends upon whom I'm talking to, and what the situation is). Amongst friends, during intimate conversations, I feel unthreatened, and can speak freely. But if what I would say might possibly hurt someone's feelings, or cause an argument that a I don't even want to get started, I will not speak it. My need to express my feelings is always superceded by the feelings of others that could be hurt. When it is necessary, I can be bold and straightforward, but most of the time, it isn't necessary. Anyway, if you are curious, Barry, here is my one entry that got 41 comments:

It was fun meeting all those new people, and I got to visit all their journals. But generally, I'm happy with the 12 or so regular comments I get. But I understand what you are saying... the people we meet through the journals, from all around the world, are fundamentally not different at all. The world grows smaller, and we are more alike than we are different. bea

Anonymous said...

Hi Barry. I don't think that I've ever received 39 comments either. I confess that I am impressed with a few journals where every entry garners 40 or more comments!
I enjoy your journal, that's why I return. I find your thoughts quite interesting and your sometimes cantankerous nature makes for reading that is never boring!--Sheria

Anonymous said...

I always read your entries ~ but do not always comment I enjoy your journal and think you should have lots of comments ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I could leave you 39 comments if you`d like.
Not sure I have the time, but I`d do it for you.
hee heee