Groups of people find friendship in their common interests, and/or common values, preferences: religion and politics play a huge role. It's amazing, really, that friendships exist in spite of obstacles.
On message boards sexual preference determines circles of friends. Often in life Family rules: exigencies force us to trust, and even like, our relatives; that's why, I suddenly realized, that betrayal by a relative hurts and disappoints so very much.
Main Entry: ex·i·gen·cy
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'ek-s&-j&n(t)-se, ig-'zi-j&n(t)-
Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
1 : that which is required in a particular situation -- usually used in plural
2 a : the quality or state of being exigent b : a state of affairs that makes urgent demands <a leader must act in any sudden exigency>
synonym see JUNCTURE
Please, I had to look it up to make sure, for myself: I do not wish to be didactic. Well, not much, ha.
All of this comes to mind because in the last couple of days I wrote two letters to my daughter Diana who is trekking to Australia, from California, at the invitation of my younger brother's widow. Diana's overall purpose is simply to research her own roots. If this desire has never hit you don't be surprised if one day it does intrude forcibly on everyday preoccupations. In one letter I wrote yesterday I included a copy of a photo taken of my parents, Diana'a paternal grandparents, in about 1930 in front of the Ambassador Hotel on Wilshire, LA, a photo most likely taken with my father's box camera. The couple were in their early 20's. They didn't have a dime. My father is wearing the very same clothes, baggy, he wore in another box camera photo taken shortly before leaving Sydney by ship (of course), a photo taken in the garden of his mother-in-law, my grandmother Lillian.
What's particularly worrisome is how quickly family loyalty can be shaken. Most of the time, thank God, family is cohesive, but breakups can ruin lives, embitter brothers, and damage children.
In my family it was usually the mothers who sacrificed themselves for the greater good of the family. Gee, I should have saved this entry for Mother's Day.
Mother, I still miss you.