Whenever I've dropped by Blogspot and tried to begin another journal I try to 'read' the squiggly letters, and follow instructions re passwords and so on but always become impatient with the school days associations I make with codes and secrets and adolescent needs for privacy, probably triggered by the mysteries of sex and aggression. A secret journal to me is actually anathema, and, I notice that many people who take that route, initially to escape advertising, get lonely there shut off from the crudities of real life, and return to an open journal.
I was gratuitously notified this morning by email (huh?!) that I was henceforth personna non grata. Gee, he beat me to it! ~ ha ha ha ha ha ha. I supopose that's equal in Britain to a punch in the nose. Well, I had more than enough of the snotty, superior, disturbed little gutter snipe. (Gee, haven't had to use that expression since I lived in Australia.)
tar tar......
More later....
guess i missed something. someone go private? i have had that happen several times. no big deal.
Chill out Barry.... It's not like you care, right? Didn't you post an entry not long ago that said you didn't even like him? Can't imagine why if you didn't like him you'd even have him on alerts......... :::scratching head::: Now that really makes absolutely no sense...........
Just to say Barry, that my Son is TWICE the human being you will EVER hope to be. I CAN say this because I am his Mother.
I have heard the things you said about my Son and personally think you need a life.
You judge people you know NOTHING about.
We are a very close, loving family, as are millions of others, who are YOU to mock them especially when you speak so well of your own Son.
Looking at your journal comments, you dont have many friends, oh dear, that IS a surprise. Look at my Son's, wow, he has 72.
Some people just can't take the pace.
Barry, I don't even know what this is all about, and maybe I don't want to know. But quality of friendship isn't measured by numbers. bea
I didn't email you about me going private. It did that automatically 'cos you musta had me in your alert list, and I did nothing to provoke yet another ramble of insults about me from you, so why start again? I never mentioned you to my mother, infact I dunno how this all started again.
I used to comment here, as you did on mine, so I don't understand where your problem with me started.
Whatever, just leave me alone and I'll do the same. I have no quarrel with you, no matter what you think of me, as I really don't care.
all the best,
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