Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Politics Etc.

It's lunch time during the Alito hearings. Looks as if the Princeton alumni publication just might sink Alito. Teddy, Harvard, where there's academic freedom, vs Alito, Princeton, which apparently is still mired in F. Scott Fitgerald (Princeton) snobbery and ghastly social advantage, and curbed academic freedom. 

Princeton has one of the deepest competition swimming pools in the nation. Reason? Deep pools theoretically make swimming faster possible. Seconds, or hundredths of a second faster: Similarly, Princeton imagined that  excluding women and minorities would give good old boy 'Scott Fitgeralds' continued dominance in the job market.

In short, I hope Alito is booted. By the way, a major reason women were admitted to Harvard and Princeton, finally, was to combat rampant homosexuality. It was bone crushingly ironic, therefore, that once women were admitted to Harvard there occurred a two-women murder suicide on campus at Dunster House. (Where in olden times there was a sports-jock male majority, and minimal homosexuality.)  After the murder, the other woman hung herself in the shower.  Don't tell me gossip doesn't contain useful germs of truth, at least sometimes. 



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