Sunday, April 17, 2005


2 : to communicate intimately <commune with nature>

What's all the chatter about, hey birdies? Where were you all night? So now you're pretty happy, huh? Tell me about it, please, while I sit here typing trying to figure it out. Faintly, in the distance, in the middle of a huge city, I can hear a lone rooster sort of complaining cause he's alone, I guess. The nearby chatterers are the piccolos, and plucked violins, and the distant rooster is a discordant percussion background theme. Just what does the composer have in mind?

So, led by the winged creatures I too offer up a sound or sorts, a hopeful prayer of thanks for a new day, for opportunities to mend the past, for blessings received and the strength to acknowledge all those who helped me, offered comfort and guidance.  Amen.



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