A Journals (Blogs) HOST (ValGal) calls my journal entries "Pontificating." I replied, mildly, and my post was taken down. So I want to know who gave her, who at AOL, gave her the title of "HOST"? Her folder is on a message board called Writer's Pad Discussion, folder named "Journals." Presumably her function is to encourage people to start a journal. Yet, she seems to know nothing about journals, and in effect turns people off, and away from even thnking about starting a journal. For months she gave "prompts" as journal practice on a message board I suppose. Over many months we never got into what a journal is, can be, or has been practiced as.
If I'm "pontificating," should I stop?
Main Entry: [2]pon·tif·i·cate
Pronunciation: pän-'ti-f&-"kAt
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin pontificatus, past participle of pontificare, from Latin pontific-, pontifex
Date: 1818
1 a : to officiate as a pontiff b : to celebrate pontifical mass
2 : to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way
- pon·tif·i·ca·tion /(")pän-"ti-f&-'kA-sh&n/ noun
- pon·tif·i·ca·tor /-"kA-t&r/ noun
Wow, I sure didn't realize I was doing THAT! Help! Help!!
And listen, when I'm in full dogmatic mode I'm 'Barrington,' my birth certificate name.
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