Sunday, March 27, 2005


Mr John M Scalzi, our "Editor," seems to have been sent on an errand by his employer, AOL (I think that is what he said), to soften up AOL Members to the idea of having advertising deface their blog. John, get a life! By the way, post a photo of your wife. Doesn't that little girl have a mother?


I'll post a treatise here on the subject of the evils of advertising contaminating the arts after I get over my extreme distemper.


Anonymous said...

Actually, whenever my AOL overlords ask me to do something, I note it as I'm doing it -- I believe in transparency of motives, and of course I make no bones about the fact that I'm employed by AOL and that ] from time to time they might ask me to throw something out to AOL Journalers to see what they think about things. If my AOL overlords had asked me to quiz AOL Journalers about what they thought about advertising, I would have said "My AOL overlords asked me to ask you this."

Therefore, you may assume that if such a disclaimer is not there, then the question comes from me directly, from my own curiosity. I see no point in being devious or underhanded with AOL Journalers in this respect, and I don't especially appreciate the insinuation of such.

Anonymous said...

John, if you mean that you are pleased and proud of the success and popularity of blogs, then I am mollified. But if you all by yourself saw the advertising opportunity of making blog space available to advertisers, then I'm miffed again.
THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING: On message boards AOL will not relieve me from ceaseless attacks by twin SNs Wrytrguy/Bile Stew. as well as Orca Chow, who call my wife a prostitute, who accuse me of molesting my children, have posted legal documents pertaining to another 'Barry Bartle' in Wisconsin (I live in CA and haven't been to Wisconsin since about 1960 and I just drove through - love the black and white cows) for the sole purpose of embarrassing me, and no matter how many times I cry 'Violation of TOS rules' I am ignored by AOL because I stimulate message board activity, and hence advertising. AOL is in a panic about it's advertising revenue having dropped as a result of Membership having dropped about 10% in the last year. In short, there is an AOL Leadership gap.
