Wednesday, March 2, 2005


Accurate self-observation might sometimes be equated with self-absorption. (Already I've had to go to the dictionary thrice. No spell-check feels like deprivation when you spell as badly as I do.) However, it can be argued, and I will argue, that self-observation is necessary for survival, let alone a happy life. Driving drunk and getting killed might in millions of instances have been averted if the driver had noticed, and taken in, that they were drunk. 

Where I most value accurate self-observation is in the following activities:

1. Swimming competitively, and training for same

2. Speaking in public.

3. Acting in any medium.

4. Making love.

5. Posting in  my journal

5. Disciplining my children ("Am I fully under control?")

6. Noticing my evasion of responsibilities.

7. Lapsing into blame, rather than taking responsibility.

8. Noticing my peculiar euphoria when I have even a tiny bit of extra cash.

9. Being alert to the possibility of illness in myself, and family.

10. Not losing my temper when I'm stopped by a cop.  Ha!

11. If my hands shake, taking time to check for the source.

12. To check if I can achieve greater overall physical and mental relaxation.

Well, there's a dozen eggs to crack. Hope I make a palatable omlette. Got any tips? Observations?

- Barry



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