Four eggs, three chicks. All five, siblings plus hen and 'rooster,' tweet tweeting merrily. Daily the chicks sound louder and ever-more insistent. I love the way the parents put up with my changing their bath water and so on, and, being unable to stop from peeking briefly so as to not annoy,disturb, or bother.
Either late tonight, or early tomorrow morning Mark Andrew will be launched au naturale (naturellement) at a nearby hospital. Mother Elsa is still at home, fussing with cooking stuff for her four men at home lest they starve. (Gimme a break, ha ha ha.)
Cameras loaded. Have to take a shower though. Prayers by you would be vastly appreciated.
dear barry
good luck and I will wish them well!
Looking forward to seeing pictures of Mark Andrew ~ nestling in his Mums arms ~ she will be in my thoughts and prayers ~ Ally
Your house will be filled with new babies!! You know you are in my prayers!
I hope you have alot of land or live on you live on a farm........... I am new to your blog, so I thought I would just say hi!
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