Thursday, February 22, 2007

Status Quo All Okay

Main Entry: status quo

Function: noun
Pronunciation: -'kwO
Etymology: Latin, state in which
: the existing state of affairs <seeks to preserve the status quo>

Had to look it up anyway for spelling. I've misspelled my own name.

It's raining in LA. Nice! Afterwards green foliage shows up more and everywhere. LA Fathers must have loved trees because they are everywhere. Across the street very odd shaped, tall trees hundred and hundreds of years old and still living just fine thank you,  home to crows, squirrels and lots of birds.

It's as if there's a race in progress: who will birth first? Mark Andrew our hoped for son in utero, or four eggs of the finches, male and female? I know I know, really, how disrespectful it sounds to so moon over the eggs of a finch a bird so small it's half as big as your palm. But you see, up close they love each other. One sits, two sit, or both sit. Lately more often the latter.

Yesterday I received an email, in answer to mine, from a friend of very long standing, many decades in other words. I haven't seen him for more than twenty years. In my email I happened to mention that we were expecting in about ten days or so, maybe two weeks, groan. My old friend's reply was fairly long, and pleasant, if a tad critical at moments. What struck me as odd is that he replied to everything I said, except The Big News. That is, not a word about the impending arrival of Mark Andrew.

There is a sense in which we are all separated from each other. Perhaps, come to think of it, one of the functions of marriage is to provide an opportunity for true and complete closeness.   








Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would think the Big News would be the one that would get commented upon from your friend first, no? Maybe he thinks you`re crazy, he`s jealous, or just forgot!
What names have the finches picked out?  * )

Anonymous said...

I agree with your previous commenter.  Mark Andrew's arrival should be the first and foremost topic of discussion!  I love that name by the way.  Just LOVE it!
It's cute the story of the birds. I hope they hatch alright.
Have a good night.

Anonymous said...

the problem about true and complete closeness is that others feel deprived,so resentment and backstabbing goes on,as in my case,i hope i end up with the happiness and not being alone thats all xx zoe

Anonymous said...

i have everything legal crossed for the safe arrival of Mark Andrew. You must be dead excited

Anonymous said...

I anxiously await news of Mark Andrew!!  Let us know when he arrives.

Anonymous said...

lindof' funny' what people respond to, isn't it/