Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Getting started

Yesterday I received a phone call from a college classmate.  He'd found something I'd written in response to our Class Secretary's request for an update. The honesty of my reply must have made it easier for him to call.  Embarrassed, I had to admit I didn't remember him, but I did remember a conversation I'd had with him when we were Freshmen on the subject of Sacco and Venzetti.  So that smoothed the way somewhat.  We were virtual strangers before the phone call -- that probably lasted an hour -- but by correspondence we'll catch up, and perhaps meet again at the next class reunion. I've never been to one, HS or college. Another classmate said he wasn't going to the next class reunion unless in the interim he wins the Nobel Prize. Over time, not only do people die, become incapacitated, or ill, they also store up feelings of having failed, even when there is plenty of evidence of achievement, and growth in wisdom.   

Barry  (Hmmm, no spell check. I spell so badly I changed back to AOL 8.0 Plus, from AOL 9.0 Security (version) because the latter has a spell check window, at least on my screen, so big it's impossible to simultaneously view what's being checked.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tend to compose new entries in a "Write Mail" window as I also cross-post (via email) to a mirror blog over at Blogger. The mail window has built-in spell checking. Before I started the mirror, I composed in the "new document" window (Control-F > New > Document, or simple shortcut, Control-D) and it has spell check available from the right-click menu. I can't tell you how many times I have lost entries in the "Add an Entry" window within the journal. No more, though, and everything is spell checked because, I too suffer from having spent too much time reading in class, rather than learning how to spell properly.