Monday, October 8, 2007

Two For The Money


The Al Pacino vehicle apparently bombed when it came out (2005?) but it has interest buried in the too busy plot.  Something about gambling may be bad, but life is a gamble whether one likes it or not. From the credits I guess one can assume ALL the football clips were shot using actors. Otherwise, it's hard to believe football teams would sell action clips to a movie producer. The football clips looked real to me. Renee Russo was hired because she's old enough to plausibly be Al Pacino's wife. I dunno where America gets the absurd notion that husband and wife MUST be the same age. That notion makes me puke. I know of a woman who married a younger man and lives in secret, and ashamed. Stupid! I think I'll move to France.

In the movie Russo and Pacino come very close to French kissing. I was surprised. Hard to avoid making that look gross on film I would think.


[Point, buried perhaps: Al Pacino is a great actor, known for taking huge life/professional-gambles, so I hope he doesn't regret having made this movie; It's well worth watching solely for his performance.]

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