Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Comment (A preparation)

(While waiting for reading matter to be sent to me from NY, material from my Catholic chum Dick, I responded, made a Comment on the Journal of another. Maybe I can sidestep all the work required to make an entry of my own. I'm Catholic, but errant lots of the time; sloth, isn't that a sin? Try confessing that these days; you'd be asked if you've robbed any banks lately, ha ha ha ha....)


Your subject is definitely rivetting. You give
a comprehensive overview of the elements
present in the Pope's disparagement of Islam,
Muslims, whatever is the correct word(s).
I'm warming up to 'Journal' my own take on the
brouhaha which given that only words are
involved and not bombs, is pretty entertaining
except for the riots in response, violence from
the very people the Pope was indirectly correcting.
Muslims, IMO, are violently jealous of the glamor
of Christianity. A Parish newsletter from the
Church reported some years ago that there are
more words devoted to Mary, The Mother of God,
in the Koran, than there are devoted to Her in
The New Testament. Odd that the same people who
have been so worshipful of The Virgin Mary, Mother
of Jesus, in the Koran, shoot women, mothers
included, in the head in broad daylight in a football
stadium in Afghanistan. (The highest percentage of
infant deaths per number of births occur in Afghanistan.) As to terrorist suicide bombers, it's pretty hard for any Christain to swallow how murder, plus suiicide, two heavy-duty sins, could possibly benefit, or please Allah.

And, your points are well taken.



Anonymous said...

"Maybe I can sidestep all the work required to make an entry of my own."  It's tempting, isn't it?   I know exactly what you mean ... after all, look how much time it took me to come up with something to say !  lol
"As to terrorist suicide bombers, it's pretty hard for any Christain to swallow how murder, plus suiicide, two heavy-duty sins, could possibly benefit, or please Allah"... I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  However, I don't believe that  REAL Muslims feel that this is pleasing to Allah ... not the ones I know, anyway.  The radicial, extremist faction, yes.  But like those Catholics accused of being supportive of violence against abortionists, I find them to be Muslims or Catholics in name only.
Thanks for your comments ... I do appreciate them.   Tina

Anonymous said...

Great entry.  You're Catholic?  I forgive

Anonymous said...

< "Great entry.  You're Catholic?  I forgive" >

From: Ladeeoftheworld

Lol.  That's funnnnnnnknee! And, truly, there's
a lot to forgive. Wasn't it Catholics who burned
Joan of Arc?! Jeanne d'Arc. (Sp?)  Please allow me
to once again give my fav. quote re Catholics:
"The Catholic Church is good theater." - Lee Strasberg!
And that from the self-styled, "Chauvinist Jew."  
My God I loved and admired that man. I miss him.
The point is one must grant Strasberg as holding
theater as more than just important, but imperative
for civilization.

At first I typed ".....of the House." Horrors, what
might have happened to me had I not corrected myself
with, ".....of the World."  Lol.


Anonymous said...

This is the ONLY entry alert I've had from you for ages. I thought you'd gone quiet!! lol! Good to see ya still posting, and I'll learn to manually check in future!

Hope ya well bud,


Anonymous said...

"This is the ONLY entry alert I've had from you for ages. I thought you'd gone quiet!! lol! Good to see ya still posting, and I'll learn to manually check in future!

Hope ya well bud,


Thanks for your Comment and observation.
As it happens I haven't been very active at
any time with my journal. I may experiment
soon and post photos as well as text. People
feel safer with pictures than they do with words.
'Reading' a photo is trustworthy, but 'reading'
writing is problematic.  Ha ha ha ha ah ha ha...
Over on Writer's Pad message board on AOL
there are mature men and women talkiing
(without pictures) about sex. It's a riot of
superstition, prejudice, anger, lifetimes of abuse,
and mysterioso mumbo jumbo. Oh oh oh when
will psychiatry come back in fashion?!~

Thanks for you comment!!!!!
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