TIME magazine, remember that rag? It now costs $3.95. I suggest you don't bother. The current issue is dated Sept. 11, 2006. Conspiracies, second guessing, quasi-philosophic Editorial gushing are presented with the sole motive of making money, the very thing the Twin Towers represented under the title World Trade Center, and now celebrated as such in a Hollywood movie.
John asks us to give our thoughts and experiences related to the calamity. Okay, "I'll bite" (an American expression from the 1930s I believe - it was a favorite of my English father) my first inkling of the event came from a laughing Mexican gas station attendant in a Mexican State North of the State of Oaxaca. In Spanish, and then broken English he told us - my family and I were driving back to California - that Boston had been bombed. He had the news a bit garbled: a plane leaving Boston had changed course, as we now know from being hijacked, did a left turn and headed for the Island of Manhattan, specifically the North Tower. It's the laughter of the man in the gas station I want to dwell on. Not just millions in Mexico, millions all over the world got a huge lift from seeing America on fire and falling down. Since the subway bombings, and the more recent arrest of 24 English Muslim alleged terrorists, England might now be an even more ardent friend, and never did laugh anyway.
Suicide murder, such a popular hobby/tactic in the Middle East, a most grievous damning sin for Christians, was totally unknown to me for most of my life. The young Arab who dressed as a Rabbi to board a bus in Israel then blew up himself and everyone else on the crowded bus into black scrap lying in a black skeleton of what had been the bus, is now a reverred hero honored at feasts given in his honor, feasts paid for with the $25,000 given his family for their sacrifice. 'Son for sale?' daughter for sale? husband for sale? must constantly be whispered all over the Eastern end of the Mediteranean.
As far as I know the 9/11 terrorists' families may have gone unrewarded. If so, that might, could possibly, put a brake of building bombing, but don't hold your breath. The more modest bus bombing seems slightly more warlike, than the grotesquerie of Twin Towers bombing which works as a declaration, but, lets be honest, spells doom for the participants and their cultures. It was over-kill. By that action Osama Bin Ladin committed slow motion suicide; it could turn out that the angry spoiled brat was all along simply mad at Daddy, and not really mad at America at all?! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha................... who do you figure will get the last laugh?
You got it!
All of this stuff really does terrify me.
What's scary is, WHAT WILL THEY DO NEXT?! Oh god...makes me feel sick!
I can`t imagine laughing at such a tragedy, no matter who is on the receiving end. What`s wrong with people?
Who gets the last laugh? Check your history books 100 years from now. IF any exist then. Fatalistically yours, Kater
My boss at the time was an absolute bastard, and I use the term kindly. "Get back to work!", was all he could bark. I called my son who was working in St Louis. He urged me to get out of the city. I begged him to come home. I then slipped out the side door, at work, and bought gasoline. I was fearful there would be no more. My gentleman friend was on business in NYC. I could not reach him. I then waited for Chicago to be hit................
Memorable day..............
You had plenty of reason to
have felt personally involved,
while I was not only out of the
country, but coming back to the
opposite coast. The first TV
coverage I watched the first day,
09/11/01 came via SKY satellite
in a Mexican restaurant. I noticed
I was crying.
I have looked into the so-called conspiracy theories and naturally didnt want to think anyone could allow so many to die for an insurance claim,that is until my attention was drawn to the actual drop of the towers,my grandfather worked in a gang of these people,droppers,who brought down large blocks of flats and chimney stacks.I of course was allowed to watch these,with the wonder of the precision of it all,and every time the construction fell to its feet,not either side,due to precision explosives.I have watched the video tape taken by a passer by just before the first tower fell,there is an earthquake type tremor a good 40 seconds before the tower came down,which would tally in with controlled explosions,and after all,the construction of these wonderful structures,was to withstand all that nature could force upon it.So why then would a fire at the top,bring down such a marvel of engineering,when seismic activity and hurricane cannot? I myself would not probe further,to think a bunch of terrorists could do it is far more comforting than a business man who wanted the insurance profit.It is in human nature to question,and we should,the loss of life was so cataclismic it shook the very core of us all,give me a room with no windows and Osama alone for ten minutes,hed be screaming for mummy after that.Whatever the cause,the end result is the same,I hope not ever again we see this horror but I doubt it I truely do.xxzoexx
Thanks for this splendid rumination on the ghastliness of
the Twin Towers ignominious fall. You really make one think.
There is an oft-screened bit of film, closeup, of the second
tower strike. The plane is perfectly aligned to strike at
such an angle that the maximum number of floors possible would be struck. It's at about a 35 degree angle. I suspect that
took expert flying skill. Or, maybe, those 747s are remarkably
easy to fly. I can't get over the stat that more people died 9/11
than died at Pearl Harbor. Of course, there is the hideous
possibility that the twin towers were put up on the cheap?!
Barry ((hug))
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