Sunday, January 9, 2005

Existential Raunch

'The theater of carnality' is how I'd describe a recent Jerry Springer show. I'd gone to channel 5 in LA looking for my wife's TV commercial which aired in several different versions; I wanted to see the one in which she speaks, found it, swelled with pride, then bumped into Springer and his audience women's breast baring 'competition.' I was curiously reminded of Pamplona and the running of the bulls.  I judge it'd been rehearsed audience participation because numerous women, of varying ages, were instantly ready to cross-reach with their hands, and lift up their sweater, shirt, and/or jacket and reveal their bossom. Since we are not in France, the details were blurred so as to not offend the FCC.  It was like Howard Stern, snipped.

Ostensibly the show was about using DNA to determine which male had fathered which young woman's baby. Suspense! Many accusing looks, some 'I told you so's' as indictments fell on men and women unusually (?) into frequent unprotected random copulation. To add a note of rectitude Springer himself wore suit and tie and glasses. The glasses helped convey that he himself was beyond reproach; he was there to simply elevate the just. The purpose of the breast baring was never ennunciated. Ratings? Springer, I believe, is moving to cable where the breasts won't be blurred out. Springer will move up to cable, just as Stern will move up to satellite, and all for sex. Those boys are gonna outfox the FCC and the 'wicked' Michael Powell. The Conservative Right and the dominant Red States are being taken on in selected battle grounds.  

My wife's commercial, the one she acted in, is for a school.


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