Saturday, May 19, 2007

No subject

What do you think about acting? As I'm hunting and pecking here much-aged Kirk Douglas is selling his fourth autobiography on Larry King Live. He's seriously speech impaired, and wisely promotes the acting of his son rather than have anything to say about his own acting (or the lack of it.) He's 90.  For his sake I hope he secretly, or not so secretly, knows he couldn't act at all. All he did was parade his various mental imbalances, anger, and pathological hatred of all people. If he did kiss anyone on stage, which I doubt, or of course on screen, I bet he actually bit them. When asked to kiss professionally I bet he said, "Oh no,  couldn't!"

In other words he's the extreme opposite of the aged Marlon Brando who not only kissed onscreen, but he also kissed Larry King, live, on Larry King Live. On the lips while smiling! Way to go Marlon! Good actors are good kissers. In short, a good actor kisses good, sleeps well, is good at sex, lives long, reproduces (Brando of course had children all over) and genuinely applauds other good actors. 

Odd that actors have such diverse reputations. Lots of successful people, with no relationship with theater, the movies or acting, are very good actors. Life seems to require that we be good actors, regardless of our professions. How's that for a novel point of view??


That is, perhaps, acting is not lying, it's telling the truth.




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People in the medical field are great actors! I've known this for a LONG time. Working in ICU I've had to really keep my cool in front of patients (and coworkers) while all HELL is breaking loose and I want to cry! Acting....?? YOU BET!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Barry, but I have to disagree with you about Kirk Douglas. I'm a fan of his movies and I think that he created some intriguing screen roles. I also love Brando, but they have very different styles of acting. Just stopped by to say hello and see what was on your mind these days.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

Hi hun just to let you know Im blogging temporarily on my hubbys blog,hope baby and mum are well,spaek soon love zoe xx