Saturday, August 12, 2006

Readers Message Board Palaver

<< "Kind of marvelllous that the world's first novel can be on your just list. Strictly personal, I'd substitute Great Expectations for your pick, but I don't quarrel with yours, not one bit." >        - BB3

< "I absolutely, positively HATED Great Expectations.  Pip had to be the most whiny character I have ever encountered.  Two of my three kids have also read it and feel the same way.  I loved David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, etc.  But I would leave Great Expectations OFF any *must read* list of mine.  I would also scratch Lord Jim off any list.  IMO, it was slim pickings the year the powers that be added Lord Jim to a classics list.  I did like Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness though." >

From: MarySkl


A classmate, David Kenneth Israel, apparently talked
our Literature professor - whose name escapes me this
second - into allowing me, an undergraduate, to take a
graduate course, a single author course, actually called a
'Graduate Seminar' in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard in the 1950s. I think I got a B-. Hey, I passed! 

Here's the poop. Dickens' reputation was given a boost by the publication of a new biography by one, Johnson, not long before I took that inspiring course.
Great Expectations can be read as a rewrite of David Copperfield written 35 years later. David had to learn caution and discretion, while the trajectory of Pip's life taught him to stop being such a snob. You're absolutely right/correct/on-target David is infinitely more likeable than Pip. One might say that the later novel was almost a confession by the narrator. I believe it is now generally believed that the later novel is the stronger work of art written by a very great artist at the peak of his powers.



Anonymous said...

Barry "A christmas carol" is my most favourite I never tire of watching or reading it ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ally, I totally share your enthusism.
I made a hideous mistake recently by
calling a friend a "Scrouge." I hit him
when he was down and I hate myself for it.


Anonymous said...

As I recall, Great Expectations was ONE of my Dickens favorites.  I may need to revisit.  You can never get too much of a good read.  The other day at work, we were passing around a copy of JD Salinger's "A Great Day for Bananafish".  (That may not be the exact title.)  It's funny, 30 years later, how differently that story read.  I'm still thinking about it.  

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, rereading years later
can twist one's mind for good or ill,
mostly good. Ha ha ha....


Anonymous said...

A Christmas Carol is the first book I ever read, and I LOVED it, still do!

I can't say that I've ever read 'Great expectations', but after reading this, I'm not having any 'Great expectations' about it..Lol...dya see what I did there?! Muhuhaha!


Anonymous said...

I love all of Dickens` books!!!  Nicholas Nickleby and David Copperfield probably being my top two.
