Michael Jackson is a beloved figure around the world. You'd be tarred and feathered for a murmur against him. Michael would probably go for the feathers, but be puzzled why you were suddenly all black.
A young, white, US Military officer just returned from overseas in a time of war bringing with him a young boy suffering from multiple sclerosis. Those are the only details I know. My head full of images from the media, images having to do with Michael Jackson facing the very real possibility of prison for a very long time, I couldn't get it out of my head that the young white war hero might be a pedophile.
Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
Pronunciation: "pE-d&-'fi-lE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1906
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object
How come I would twist a wonderful news story of individual benevolence by a US Military officer, showing individual initiative, into a ghastly crime? The only answer I could come up with was that I'd been brain washed by the media blitz about Michael Jackson.
That did it. I'm up to here with Michael Jackson walking backwards. Enough! Lock him up. Never in the history of the world was criminal selfishness so glamorized. The man is mad. In carving up his own face in order to look white, and have it done so badly, apparently over and over, is dementia plain and simple, and the greatest stupidity is in ignoring how he insults one of the most beautiful races on Earth.
Dropping babies from balconies. Madness. He wants us to know he regrets having had a baby. His violent gesture was a strike at the baby's mother. Lock him up. Lock him up for a very long time. I'm glad he's broke; now he can't afford Johnny Cochran.
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