Wednesday, February 23, 2005



Stop telling lies.

Do what you said you'd do.

Pay your bills.

Stop bad mouthing people.

Make a difference.

Stop medicating yourself.

Spend joyful time alone doing nothing: study relaxation.

Stop blaming.

Contemplate a tree, a star, a principle of Physics.

Get off your position.





Anonymous said...

With no preliminaries, your readers are at a loss to know what brought on this lecture.  But what you describe is not real depression, only a kind of "feeling down" that may be amenable to self-administered corrections.  It bears as much resemblance to depression as the sniffles do to pneumonia.

If you have never experienced real (clinical) depression, believe me, you don't want to go there.  The abyss is deep and black...and there are no bootstraps to pull yourself up.  There is only time.  And a caring friend or two.  And a good therapist.  And maybe the right medication.  If you're lucky, these together will work.    

Anonymous said...

What "brought on" my post was the young physician SN FJRAV
whose journal entry on "Depression" was way, way too glib for me,
too prescription-oriented, medication myopia driven.

My list above is not aimed to cure somebody already beyond reach,
but offered as a defensive precaution against the onset of deep

I'd have posted the entry as a reply but my computer has trouble
reaching all of that site after the first couple of windows.

- Barry

Anonymous said...

Copy of so far unanswered email to FJRAV (SN).

My computer won't/can't delve into your journal
site. It freezes when I try to read all the responses.

Most depression, IMO, is caused by 'out integrity.'
It's caused by lying, not paying bills, being deceptive
for advantage, and stealing.

The major assaults on the life, works, and reputation
of Sigmund Freud have been launched by Medical
doctors, Nat Morris for example in A Man Possessed
Pub. 1974. A more recent attack came from the Medical
School of Ontario, Canada. (the cold might have gotten
to their brains.)

I've had it with medical doctors.


Anonymous said...

Hi Barry..Now I am here to visit you.LOL. I will have to look into this article on depression. (I have worked PSYCH for 14 years).as for me-right now-mine is certainly the "kind" that needs a little kick in the --- to get me moving!-and yes, it is sad how the medical proffesion thinks "pills" solve all life's little ups and downs!