Thursday, February 16, 2006

AOL's Sins

An AOL window politely asked me to fill out a survey. I clicked, reluctantly, 'Yes I would.' AOL then replied with another window telling me, "You do not qualify for this survey." Are they friggin nuts!? Why use insult when it would have been so easy to give me the 'patriotic' satisfaction of signalling I'm ready to make a difference, and at the same time cancel my unwanted replies?!

Present AOL management is the dumbest I've ever heard of or imagined could exist in the American market place.

Go ahead, tell me where I'm wrong in my reaction; do they seriously believe treating people poorly will benefit them?!  (I just spent about an hour replying to friendly email from former AOL Members who have found greener pastures.)



Anonymous said...

Barry that is really annoying.. - surely they knew that you didn't qualify before they sent the e-mail...Yes I agree "friggin nuts"
You do have a claim to Fame are the very first person I have known to have been disqualified from filling in a Survey...LOL...Ally

Anonymous said...

Lol, Ally. You, single-handedly, have
rescued me from self-loathing. Look,
see? I'm smiling and laughing. THANKS!


Anonymous said...

This should teach you to be a "team player" and agree to participate in a survey, LOL. Wonder why you did not qualify for it.

I think the scariest surveys are the ones organizations do through the phone through a computer. So weird how they can ask the questions like that. If you go out of the box, though, and answer something beyond "yes" or "no", it doesn't know what to do.

I would move to greener pastures, but its hard to teach this old dog new tricks


Anonymous said...

"Wonder why you did not qualify for it?"

I must be on a 'List,' for example, of Members
having too much to say about AOL's passion for
making money from Online advertising. Or,
I'm too old to be demographically of interest
to advertisers. Maybe I'm pegged as 'Rude.' Ha!
